Kolbe’s four Action Modes are the modern breakthrough in understanding and explaining conation. Kathy Kolbe’s key insight was that everyone has a strength in how they operate in each of these Action Modes. Each person’s method of operation, or “MO,” is their strength in that area.


- Kathy Kolbe

The instinctive need to probe and the way we gather and share information.

Behavior ranges from gathering detailed information and documenting strategies to simplifying and clarifying options. This Action Mode deals with detail and complexity, providing the perspective of the past.

Fact Finder

The instinctive need to pattern and the way we organize and design.

Behavior ranges from being systematic and structured to being adaptable and flexible. This Action Mode deals with structure and order and provides focus and continuity.

Follow Thru

The instinctive need to improvise and the way we deal with risk and uncertainty.

Behavior ranges from driving change and innovation to stabilizing and preventing chaos. This Action Mode deals with originality and risk-taking and provides intuition and a sense of vision.

Quick Start

The instinctive need to demonstrate and the way we handle space and tangibles.

Behavior ranges from making things more concrete by building solutions to being more abstract by imagining a solution. This Action Mode deals with physical space and provides durability and a sense of the tangible.


The Kolbe System™ is the trademark of Kathy Kolbe and Kolbe Corp.